
  • 🏅 TiDraw: Draw system based on client-server model designed to be as secure as possible. For this reason, the draws are executed by the server and the users can't cheat altering the results.

  • 🎶 MusicSync: Cross-platform tool that synchronizes your music library between devices and drives with advanced settings.

  • 🎥 LazyClip: Automated video clip maker that synchronizes image transitions with the rhythm of the audio.

  • TicTacToePlus: Evolved version of the classic Tic Tac Toe game where you can decide the number of players, the grid size and the tic tac toe number.

  • 📚 Rebuk: Program that helps you to manage your books and bookmarks in a very simple and basic way.

  • 🖼 ImgSelect: Tool that helps you to select the images to backup locally from an external location.

  • 🔢 SudokuResolver: Simple sudoku solver that uses a multithreading brute force approach.

  • 📟 ALU: Simple arithmetic logic unit implementation in SystemVerilog.